Morphological hierarchical image decomposition based on Laplacian 0-crossings
Lê Duy Huỳnh ·
Yongchao Xu ·
Thierry Géraud
A method of text detection in natural images, to be turn into an effective embedded software on a mobile device, shall be both efficient and lightweight. We observed that a simple method based on the morphological Laplace operator can do the trick: we can construct in quasi-linear time a hierarchical image decomposition / simplification based on its 0-crossings, and search for some text in the resulting tree. Yet, for this decomposition to be sound, we need “0-crossings” to be Jordan curves, and to that aim, we rely on some discrete topology tools. Eventually, the hierarchical representation is the morphological tree of shapes of the Laplacian sign. Moreover, we provide an algorithm with linear time complexity to compute this representation. We expect that the proposed hierarchical representation can be useful in some applications other than text detection.