Short bio
I obtained an engineering degree in computer science, electronics and automatics in 2011. Having specialized during my studies on spatial remote sensing and then on close-range remote sensing by drone (UAV), I continued on a PhD in Signal & Images at Télécom ParisTech, 100% funded by the French Government Defense Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) which I defended in 2016 on the theme of high-precision underwater mapping assisted by autonomous robots (UUV & USV).
My research area is close-range remote sensing and field robotics. I work in all environments (air, land and sea) with a particular focus on the underwater environment.
As a professional diver, I take care of field operations involving robots and their sensors and I co-organize underwater experimentation workshop as part of the French GDR Robotique. I am currently a assistant professor at EPITA where I co-created with Laurent Beaudoin the SEAL team (Sense, Explore, Analyze and Learn) on exploration robotics, which was merged in 2022 with the Image Processing and Pattern Recognition group. I am also co-responsible for the robotics axis of EPITA.
Research interest
My research activities focus on the acquisition and processing of multi-environment close-range remote sensing data using light robotic means.
My second area of research, which I decline from my work on my main theme, concerns pedagogical innovations and education by research.
I give courses about robotics and computer vision in addition to supervising innovation and end-of-study projects.