Ph.D. in Computer Science at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1, 2023). Master's degree in Computer Science from Federal University of Sergipe (UFS, 2016). Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE, 2014), with 1 year completed at Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, 2012-2013). Conducts research in High Performance Computing, with a focus on performance evaluation of virtualized infrastructures, and context-aware resource management in pervasive systems.
Research Interests
- High Performance Computing (HPC)
- Performance evaluation of virtualized infrastructures for HPC
- Resource management in pervasive systems (scheduling problem)
- Parallelization of scientific applications.
Languages Spoken
- Portuguese (native)
- English
- French (je suppose !)
- Spanish
- Romanian (nu vorbesc încă foarte bine, dar sunt deja între nivelele B1 și B2)